Some of you might remember I did a post a month or so ago about a former Republican Congressman named
Pete McCloskey whom I admire very much. That's why when I learned today that he has openly endorsed
Charlie Brown, Lt. Col. (Ret) for Congress in his race against Jack Abramoff's little imp
John Doolittle, I just had to come here and tell you about it.
It gladdens me beyond words knowing that honorable men and women with
TRUE moral values are crossing party lines, stepping up to the plate and putting their support where their patriotism is. Such brave Americans who put Country
before party will save this great nation of ours from the disastrous path upon which this administration and its band of
fake conservative enablers have set it.
Group Cites Corruption, National Security, Deficit Spending and Accessibility as Main Issues

LINCOLN: Yesterday afternoon, more than 50 Republicans gathered for a rally at the Lincoln Produce Market in Lincoln, joined by former Republican Rep. Pete McCloskey. Their mission, was to publicly announce their support for Lt. Col. Charlie Brown, the Democratic nominee in the fourth Congressional district.
"John Doolittle has 'gone Washington' on us," noted Republicans for Brown Chair Joanne Neft. "And in doing so, he’s abandoned traditional conservative values and made a mockery of the public trust that he swore to uphold."
Citing incumbent Congressman John Doolittle's inaccessibility to constituents in the district, ties to both Congressional bribery scandals, inaction on border security, growing disillusionment with U.S. policy in Iraq, and the largest deficit in American history, the group outlined its reasons for supporting Brown.
"We’re supporting Lt. Col. Brown because he stands for ethical leadership, for accessible and accountable representation, for a strong and smart national defense, and for responsible stewardship of our taxpayer resources," Neft added. "Most importantly, Charlie actually has his feet in Placer County, and won’t tell us to go hire some Washington lobbyist when we need help."
Many rally goers also expressed anger over Doolittle’s actions since he signed the 1994 Republican "Contract with America." "Whatever happened to term limits, balanced budgets, and smaller Congressional staffs," said Neft. "John Doolittle says one thing and does another!"
Brown renewed his pledge to remain actively visible in the 4th CD once elected, and to stay true to the values of hard work, frugality, responsibility and service that he was raised with in Iowa, and practiced for 26 years in the military.
"When I got sent to Vietnam, no one asked me what political party I belonged to," Brown said. My charge then is the same as it is now---to take care of the people I am privileged to serve. The problem is, we have a representative who cares more about the people who write him checks in Washington, Mississippi, and some distant U.S. Territory than the people who elected him in the 4th CD."
"This election is about bringing people together to solve problems, and focusing on the many issues on which we share common ground," Brown said at the rally. "As I've said many times, this election isn’t about right vs. left, it’s about right vs. wrong."
Charlie Brown, Lt. Col. Ret spent 26 years in the U.S. Air Force. He served as a rescue helicopter pilot at the end of the Vietnam War, and has flown reconnaissance missions in support of military operations around the world. He is also a credentialed California teacher, former professional staff-member at the Roseville Police Department, and Democratic Nominee for Congress in California’s 4th DistrictTags: