Damn I'm Going To Miss This Place!
Published Saturday, September 30, 2006 by Nate | E-mail this post
I'm flying out of Hononlulu in less than 72 hours and I'm already missing this place. What a sacrifice but so worth it in this case. A lot of you know why I'm leaving but for those of you who don't, I'm giving up my life in paradise after a decade and a half in order to move to California and help Charlie Brown kick John Doolittle's corrupt ass out of Congress.
Speaking of which, my ChipIn fundraiser just to the right of this post is only valid until the end of today. I only raised half of the funds I need and I'm still coming up short. If you need a good cause, this is a great one I'll be posting some more big news about Charlie Brown tonight but I'm literally sitting on my carpet in an empty condo with my monitor on a box and the computer on the floor beside me. Check out
this article on RawStory.com. If you miss the ChipIn deadline, you can always use PayPal right above it. How about it? It will sure help me get there so I can make more videos and ads like
this one! As well as joining the daily talking circuit and Get-Out-The-Vote drive. C'mon friends... Kick in a couple of bucks so I don't go broke as a result of my decision to uproot my life to help get a great man elected to Congress.