Robert Newman - Video - A History of Oil
Published Monday, June 19, 2006 by Nate | E-mail this post
I've got to take a break for a few days and I'm going to be doing no blogging except for promoting the video in this link. Every American should watch this video. I've seen it twice and I plan to watch it several more times. I've verified several of his assertions with hours of online research. So far my research has corroberated him 100%. Every single fact. Please watch!
I don't think I can heap enough praise on this fantastic video of a stand-up comedy performance/history lesson. I promise you you'll be amazed and highly entertained. It's 45 minutes long and you won't want to miss a second of it.]
I found this awesome video to add to this post.
Picture now links to full twenty-one minute version I dug up on Google Video and now have posted on its own post.
A century of history defining exactly why we (US & UK) are currently at war in Iraq. Make no mistake people... It has nothing to do with anything ever spoken aloud on MSM or by any US Politicians. In fact it flies in the face of everything that was spoken aloud in the lead up to the invasion of Iraq.
[UPDATE] has put together a fantastic research list in the comments section. It is a must-see as well. Please feel free to continue adding to it if you have personally researched any aspect of this as well.