Sorry to take an absence for so long folks but it has been well worth it. I needed to go to work full-time since our Nation's medical system is such a joke and completely unaffordable if you're not already wealthy or can't get your company to pay for it. My job is great though. I'm immersed in IP-based Video serving, encoding and hosting at multiple levels. State-of-the-Art switching/routing/serving stuff coupled with Class A Data Center and Fiber-Optic distribution. All of which is going to come in very handy as I build out a brand new Web 2.1 style video website at
DraftGore.TV!That's right folks... I'm staking my horse for the 2008 race now. If I can help convince Al Gore that America truly needs a Global Leader of his power, gravitas, conviction and charisma to lead our great Nation, than I will sleep well at night knowing I've done a good thing for civilization at large.
Of course I'll have to help get him elected as well once I do, but that's for later.Hopefully, we'll have the site up and ready to go in the next few weeks. (All help welcome) The site will host videocasts, podcasts, whatever type media the world wants to upload to it. Whether it's Jane Smith's rural family in front of their webcam telling Al why they want him to run or professional street/studio interviews about Global Climate change. It will be the Web 2.0 Media answer to the growing and visceral Draft Al Gore movement.
Lately I've been working when I can with the folks over at
AlGore.org. Great people all but they're not really seeing the future for how netroots-driven, ground-floor up-driven, interactive web communities work. That's ok... I'm going to build this one and then provide them as much content, traffic, support as I'm able. But this thing needs to move much faster than they're used to moving. They're a great bunch of folks and I look forward to seeing them get AlGore.org built into a high-powered constituent action portal. Until then though, web media moves fast and I want to be up around Oscar time.
Al is about to win an Oscar for his work on the documentary,
An Inconvenient Truth... Al's got a new book coming out called
The Assault on Reason... Al's orchestrating the
largest summer rock concert series the planet has ever before seen... Al is on the
Board of Directors of companies like Google and Apple... Al founded
Current.tv. Al moves too fast for anything other than a giant team site, growing by the day, with enough servers and bandwidth to scale to ANY size and capacity.
So now you all know what I'm up to lately. I'm happy to provide additional info about the site in the comments or even private info about the insane lines of Video/Infrastructure products and services I know get at cost or below in email. I'm looking forward to hearing what everyone thinks...
Game on...
Al Gore,
Climate Change,
2008Labels: 2008, Al Gore, Congress, Draft, Global Warming, Music, President