I have found it difficult in the past several weeks to reach a conclusion as to what a citizen should do with respect to this fall’s forthcoming congressional elections. I am a Republican, intend to remain a Republican, and am descended from three generations of California Republicans, active in Merced and San Bernardino Counties as well as in the San Francisco Bay Area. I have just engaged in an unsuccessful effort to defeat the Republican Chairman of the House Resources Committee, Richard Pombo, in the 11th Congressional District Republican primary, obtaining just over 32% of the Republican vote against Pombo's 62%.
The observation of Mr. Pombo’s political consultant, Wayne Johnson, that I have been mired in the obsolete values of the 1970s, honesty, good ethics and balanced budgets, all rejected by today’s modern Republicans, is only too accurate.
It has been difficult, nevertheless, to conclude as I have, that the Republican House leadership has been so unalterably corrupted by power and money that reasonable Republicans should support Democrats against DeLay-type Republican incumbents in 2006. Let me try to explain why...
Labels: America
Bush lamented the GOP's rocky relations with blacks. He pledged to improve that relationship and work with the NAACP's new leader to achieve common goals.Funny because three years ago, Bush's current Press Secretary said that "racism isn't that big of a deal anymore". Here's the video.
"I understand that racism still lingers in America," Bush told more than 2,200 people at the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People's annual gathering. "It's a lot easier to change a law than to change a human heart. And I understand that many African-Americans distrust my political party."
State Dept.: No Free Evacuations for Dead Americans, EitherThere is absolutely nothing about the criminals and clowns running things that commands respect anymore. Thanks to our current batch of "leaders", The United States has become a punchline.
By Paul Kiel - July 18, 2006, 2:55 PM
Alive or dead, Uncle Sam doesn't give any free rides.
Earlier I noted that the State Department, in stark contrast to the Canadian government, is requiring U.S. citizens caught in Lebanon to pay for the cost of their evacuation. (Rep. Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has since weighed in, saying that this was no time "for quibbling over payment for evacuation.") Read More...
War veterans denied GI Bill benefitsThere are times I wish I could grab every chickenhawk in power by the throat and open-palm-pimp-slap them like David Schultz did with John Stossel!
Cox News Service
Monday, July 10, 2006
SUMMERVILLE, Ga. — Andy Rowe thought he had life after the Army pretty well figured out before he came home from eight months in Afghanistan in November 2003.
An Army reservist since high school, Rowe, 27, planned to serve out the remaining four months of his military obligation in the inactive Reserve, get his honorable discharge and then use his GI Bill education benefits to go to college, just as his father did more than 30 years ago.
But Rowe soon realized that, despite his time in a combat zone, he didn't qualify for those education benefits unless he remained in the Reserves or Guard.
It's the same for tens of thousands of National Guard and Army Reserve troops mobilized since 9/11 — the largest deployment of reservists since World War II. Read All...
DRO Goal Two – CustodyMakes me wonder if they're talking about places like the ones in this video I posted several months ago. FEMA Camps! The document makes multiple references to the difficulties and costs associated with mass transportation of such a varied, dispersed and diverse group of potential detainees. I find this interesting because the above video documents a facility, explicitly emphasizing the fact that it is built right on a rail and train infrastructure.
Management: Provide for the safe,
secure, and humane confinement of
persons detained in accordance with
immigration law.
• Objective 2.1 – Provide safe, secure
and humane detention facilities and
• Objective 2.2 – Optimize detention
• Objective 2.3 – Provide alternative
ICE detention settings and methods.
DRO will develop and implement several
strategies and programs to ensure the
most cost effective and efficient use of
bed space throughout the country while
meeting the needs of its unique and very
diverse population.
DRO will work with other federal
detention agencies as roles and
responsibilities are redefined to
ensure these objectives remain, are
not lost in the shuffle, and continue to
be supported.
I suppose it shouldn't surprise me that the "Main Stream Media" isn't giving this much coverage. We can't be letting the sheeple see how more scientific data shows that global warming is causing real problems, right now. No... That would just lend more credibility to Al Gore's assertions that we people need to wake up and start taking action. Can't be having any of that now can we? But as with all things concerning the corporate (whore) media, there is more to the story.July 6, 2006
A new study led by scientists at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego, implicates rising seasonal temperatures and the earlier arrival of spring conditions in connection with a dramatic increase of large wildfires in the western United States.
In the most systematic analysis to date of recent changes in forest fire activity, Anthony Westerling, Hugo Hidalgo and Dan Cayan of Scripps Oceanography, along with Tom Swetnam of the University of Arizona, compiled a database of recent large western wildfires since 1970 and compared it with climate and land-surface data from the region. The results show that large wildfire activity increased "suddenly and dramatically" in the 1980s with longer wildfire seasons and an increased number and more potent wildfires.
The new findings, published in the July 6 issue of Science Express (the advance online version of the printed journal Science), point to climate change, not fire suppression policies and forest accumulation, as the primary driver of recent increases in large forest fires... read all
Labels: Can't Make it Here, folk music, James McMurtry
WASHINGTON, July 3 The Central Intelligence Agency has closed a unit that for a decade had the mission of hunting Osama bin Laden and his top lieutenants, intelligence officials confirmed Monday.Here's the kicker though folks... Bush shut this program down LAST YEAR! That's right. Apparently Osama had already served his purpose and Karl Rove didn't think he'd be of any value in THIS election cycle. Either that or they're just packing him on ice in order to roll him back out again sometime around say... October?
The unit, known as Alec Station, was disbanded late last year and its analysts reassigned within the C.I.A. Counterterrorist Center, the officials said. Full Article...
Labels: Allende, Bush, Chile, CIA, Government, Iran, Iraq, JFK, Moyers, NSA, PBS, PNAC, Reagan, Secret, Venezuala, War
US troops seize award-winning Iraqi journalist
Jan 9, Guardian: American troops in Baghdad yesterday blasted their way into the home of an Iraqi journalist working for the Guardian and Channel 4, firing bullets into the bedroom where he was sleeping with his wife and children.
Ali Fadhil, who two months ago won the Foreign Press Association young journalist of the year award, was hooded and taken for questioning. He was released hours later.
Dr Fadhil is working with Guardian Films on an investigation for Channel 4's Dispatches programme into claims that tens of millions of dollars worth of Iraqi funds held by the Americans and British have been misused or misappropriated.
The troops told Dr Fadhil that they were looking for an Iraqi insurgent and seized video tapes he had shot for the programme. These have not yet been returned! Read the Full Article...