No it's not a hidden porno. Just a frank exchange between Secretary of State Condaleeza Rice and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov that was never intended for public consumption. This woman has a PhD so why does she sound even dumber than George Bush when she's stammering through her 'uhs' and 'ums' about Iraq talking points?
Could it be because: like George Bush; She's got absolutely nothing of substance to say? Or perhaps more correctly, she's got nothing worth listening to.
In case you haven't seen the latest Gore post at Crooks & Liars... Here's a little reminder of the level of respect John Stossel deserves. Especially when trying to talk shit about a statesman like Al Gore!
It's important that we show Democrats the importance of supporting progressive democrats who are loyal to the party.
As many of you know, Joe Lieberman is considering a run as an independent because Ned Lamont is beginning to clean his clock in CT, and the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee headed by New York's Charles Schumer is toying with the idea of supporting Joe over Ned if Joe promises to vote for Harry Reid as Majority Leader.
Yes, you read that right: the DEMOCRATIC Senate Campaign Committee might support a turncoat Independent over a progressive, netroots supported DEMOCRAT in the general election, Ned Lamont.
This is totally unacceptable, and the establishment needs to hear from us that we will not stand for it. The best first step in doing this is get a massive number of people to pressure Lieberman through this petition:
Then, call your Democratic Senator, if you have one, and tell him or her that you expect the party to support the Democratic nominee in CT, even if Leiberman runs as an Independent. No exceptions.
The Roots Project is a decentralized progressive network. I'm just asking you to consider this because I think it's very important. Do what you think is best. But I would say, if the establishment betrays the netroots driven campaign of Ned Lamont, they are telling you, very directly, that you don't matter. If they do that, we will tear them apart, I promise you.
Please feel free to forward this email around if you think you can get more people to sign the petition.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen! -Samuel Adams
Of course in an effort to spin our complete lack of preparedness for another year of monster storms, the government was trying to downplay Tropical Storm Alberto but of course with warmer surface water temperatures that are only going to keep climbing this quaint little "Tropical Storm" is now and full-fledged Hurricane Warning and over 20,000 people have been ordered to evactuate.
My friend over at has a "Storm Cam" all set up so you can see Alberto's effects as they grow from strong winds into a full-fledged hurricane.
I am curious about one thing though... Is "Alberto" a documented immigrant or is this storm here illegally? Perhaps it's originally from Cuba so it doesn't have to worry about immigration because it's officially classified as a "politicial refugee" hurricane.
It is my hope that this acts as an eye opener to anyone who still believes anything that lying douchebage has to say. He is a menace and a traitor to America and he symbolizes all that is wrong with the "Main Stream Media"
ROBERT NEWMAN - HISTORY OF OIL! Simply one of the best movie/standup/lesson/documentaries I have ever seen. Robert is a brilliant and commanding presence and this is simply a MUST SEE piece
IRAQ FOR SALE - THE WAR PROFITEERS Another spectacular documentary by Robert Greenwald. War is big business and evil men are getting filthy rich off the blood and sacrifice of our heroes
THE SECRET GOVERNMENT! The ninety minute PBS Special with Bill Moyers about America's shadow government - Originally aired on PBS in 1987
VOTERGATE! Great documentary about the state of our election system in America - Full Version
PEACE, PROPAGANDA AND THE PROMISED LAND Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land provides a striking comparison of U.S. and international media coverage of the crisis in the Middle East, zeroing in on how structural distortions in U.S. coverage have reinforced false perceptions of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
SIR, NO SIR! An awesome movie giving an unvarnished look at the underground G.I. Movements around the world that ended the Vietnam War - Full Version
WAR MADE EASY War Made Easy reaches into the Orwellian memory hole to expose a 50-year pattern of government deception and media spin that has dragged the United States into one war after another from Vietnam to Iraq - Full Version
THE BIG BUY! Comp movie and dissection of how Tom Delay raped the U.S. Congress - Full Version
IRAQ: THE HIDDEN STORY! An excellent documentary about what the world's media is NOT showing you in Iraq
IRAQ'S MISSING BILLIONS! A powerful documentary that aired on British TV about one major heist in the middle of what will likely go down as one of the worst crimes of this Century