Published Wednesday, April 26, 2006 by Nate. 
You military and vets out there won't need an explanation but for you civies, a "Single Digit Midget" refers to a "short-timer" who total remaing days in the military total a single digit number. "Eight days and a Wake-Up" is a beautiful expression to men and women finishing their tours and seeking a well earned break.
I was just over at
Crooks & Liars website and I saw
this video from Countdown with Keith Olbermann on MSNBC about Mary McCarthy. She's the CIA employee who has been fired for allegedly
"leaking" the information about secret CIA prisons being operated in old Eastern Bloc countries in the blackest of black ops. The kind of sick abuse of government power that makes your skin crawl when you consider what
OUR government is doing in
OUR name. Pay particular attention to Scotty McClellan, Bush's outbound Press Secretary. Is it just me or does he already sound like he's "phoning in" his bullshit now?
Blah, blah ongoing legal... blah freedom... security... yadda yadda... Since he is now officially a Single Digit Midget, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. Now check out what's coming:
Published Sunday, April 23, 2006 by Nate. 
It smells like...
Rumsfeld!Listening to the endless discussions about Donald Rumsfeld and the band of retired Generals who are now speaking out against him, the absurd assertion by the neocon blowhard brigade of planet wingnuttia--that these Generals' are "demoralizing the troops" or "hurting troop morale" by speaking out, makes me choke up a little vomit in my throat every time I hear or read it.
Published Saturday, April 15, 2006 by Nate. 
As some of you know, I'm a fan of Al Gore and the 2000 election debacle was the day I went from quiet moderate participant to outspoken progressive activist. One of my biggest hopes is that Al Gore enters the 2008 presidential race, if for no other reason than to put the other Democratic candidates on notice that their bullshit Republican-lite routine will guarantee they never get the chance to win the primary.
Published Tuesday, April 04, 2006 by Nate. 
An upcoming movie for any and ALL US Veterans to see! Here's the must-see trailer:
Published by Nate. 

This is an absolute
Must-See Video for anyone who still believes in Peace and is willing to fight for it in our time. May we all be so brave!
Published Monday, April 03, 2006 by Nate. 
A stirring auto-biography and a journey inside the raw world of forbidden Prison Romance! Written with that Texas
cowboy'esque flare he's brought to all his work for decades. Below is a clip from the movie that made this stirring saga of Dangerous and Forbidden inmate man love possible: